Children's private classes last for approximately 60 minutes. If the student is very young the class may be shortened to 45 minutes depending on the child's temperament and willingness to be away from their parents.
For toddlers we refrain from making the child feel like they are in a classroom and introduce them to English through stimulating games and activities. It's important for a child to feel relaxed around English and come to think of it as an important communication tool, rather than something to fear.
The use of phonics is used extensively in our classes because we believe it to be the fastest and most effective method to teach a child how to read. We supplement phonics with useful conversational structures. To facilitate our teaching we use either the Finding Out or the Let's Go series of books.
For Junior high school children and above we use the first 2 books in the New Headway series (beginner and elementary). These books provide more stimulation for older children and incorporate real world topics.